
Please complete the following form to create a Team App account and join Henley Sharks Water Polo Club.

If you already have a Team App account, please log-in now.


New User Account

Member Details

Emergency Contact Details

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By joining and actively participating in any event with the HSWPC you acknowledge and accept:
That Henley Sharks try to create a safe and controlled environment for participation in training and have established rules for participation and conduct on and about the playing area that must be followed;
That nonetheless there is a potential risk of injury involved in training and participating in the sport of water polo and that some hazards may still exist, such as slips on the pool deck or surrounding area; chlorine leaks; ball injuries; personal body contact injuries, and property damage/loss.
I authorise Henley Sharks officials to act according to their best judgement in any emergency requiring medical attention and I waive and release Henley Sharks and the officials from any liability for any injury, illness or damage (including property) incurred while the member is participating. I will be financially responsible for any medical attention needed.
I give permission for any photographs, film or images of myself or my child which may be acquired during games & training to be used for promotion by Henley Sharks.

Please select Agree (or Decline) below